‘KA’ learned of the recent changes to continuous Medicaid enrollment through the media. Through her research, she was met with misinformation and growing frustrations, leaving her unsure of the next steps. ‘KA’ contacted 211 Metro Chicago and spoke to a knowledgeable Resource Navigator (“RN”). The RN referred ‘KA’ to her local Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) office for assistance with her benefits enrollment. During the conversation with 211, she revealed that she was not a native to the Chicago area, and with the recent passing of her husband, she found herself socially isolated. The RN then connected her to a warmline to help with coping strategies. On a follow-up call, ‘KA’ was excited to inform the team that her Medicaid information had been successfully updated and she would not see a coverage gap. She was surprised at how quickly the IDHS agent had assisted her. She was also incredibly appreciative of the kindness and professionalism of the 211 team, stating that simply “speaking with them made me feel better.” ‘KA ‘was happy to report that she is now venturing into her community, meeting new people, and attending events at her local park district.