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Need Help? Call 2-1-1 on your phone. You can also text your Zip Code to 898211.


211 Illinois and the 211 Illinois Statewide Network has opportunities for everyone to be involved in education and advocacy efforts around 2-1-1. We welcome anyone interested in advocating for the expansion and retention of 2-1-1 services in Illinois.

Tell Three People About 2-1-1 Today!

Word of mouth is often how others hear about 2-1-1 services. Become a 2-1-1 Champion by telling at least three (3) friends, colleagues, family, or anyone you encounter seeking help about 2-1-1 services. Get help by phone, text, or email anytime 24 hours a day.

If you would like some marketing material, visit our marketing page.

Two men walking in park and talking
Smiling 211 call center woman

Share Your Story with Us

We love to hear stories about how 2-1-1 impacted your or your family’s life. Consider sharing your story with us. We want to hear from you.

Tell us how your experience with 2-1-1 led to success in your life. If you would like to share your story, complete our impact story form. If you provide your contact information, we will connect with you to learn more.

Contact Your State Representative and Local Officials about 2-1-1

Be a part of our democratic process and reach out to your state representative. You can call, email, or schedule an appointment with your state representative.

If you would like a local data sheet for your district, please visit our dashboard for more information. 211 Illinois appreciates your valuable time in helping us spread the word about 2-1-1 services.

Collateral to Share

Here are some tips to help your during your conversation.

  • Share where you or your family lives in their district.
  • Let them know how you value 2-1-1 services and it’s impacted your life.
  • Share your personal story to convey your message on the issue and express how your local community is being impacted by 2-1-1 services.
  • Thank them for their time meeting or talking with you.
  • Leave collateral materials with your legislator and their staff.